Making Learning Fun

Play and Game Based Learning (PGBL)

Play and game-based learning in preschool education is a progressive and captivating approach to early childhood education that capitalises on young children’s natural inclination to engage in play and exploration. This approach acknowledges that play is not only an enjoyable activity for children, but also a potent tool for learning and growth. By integrating play and games into the curriculum, preschoolers can acquire crucial cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills in an enjoyable and interactive manner.

In the context of play-based learning, the classroom environment is deliberately crafted to provide abundant opportunities for children to participate in open-ended and imaginative play. Play areas are equipped with diverse materials and props that inspire children to explore various roles, scenarios, and problem-solving situations. Through dramatic play, children enhance their language skills, foster creativity, and develop social interactions as they assume different roles and engage in pretend play with their peers.

Play and game-based learning enable children to:

  • Develop imagination and creativity
  • Develop an ability to manage emotions
  • Develop as thinkers
  • Develop physically
  • Develop language
  • Develop social skills, and
  • Develop morally and spiritually
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Making Connections

Inter-Disciplinary Learning (IDL)

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Stimulating Intelligence

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Integrating Knowledge

Project-Based Learning (PBL)

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